AllianceWhat is Alliance?
Alliance is a customizable supplemental medical expense plan that complements a group comprehensive major medical plan. Alliance is not a replacement for your primary coverage, but rather a supplement to your primary carrier’s health plan. Simply put, Alliance pays the member’s portion of an eligible medical claim (i.e., copays, deductibles, and coinsurance) up to annual maximum benefit. Benefits are paid directly to the healthcare providers upon submission of the patient’s Itemized Bill or HCFA and the Primary Carrier’s EOB.
By reducing the claims risk to the primary insurer, employers experience immediate savings and greater premium stability going forward. By providing an additional layer of protection for your employees, Alliance also reduces the employee’s out-of-pocket expenses. This combination makes Alliance one of the few employee benefits that can be mutually beneficial to all parties.
Claims Process
One of the advantages of Alliance is that healthcare providers are able to file all of the claims for patients via an electronic payer code that is clearly labeled on the member’s secondary insurance card (note providers can also file US mail). Here is how the claims process works:

Over 60 years ago, The Loomis Company was established with one thing in mind – Customer Care.
The Loomis Company was founded by Edwin Loomis in the mid-1950s. We started as a family-owned business and have grown to a national company with a focus on service, expertise, and technology. We have taken the time to develop our talents, learn from our mistakes, and become a stronger organization.
Two generations later, we haven’t changed a bit. You will always have a dedicated representative ready to help you over the phone or via email. Not only do we believe that you should be able to talk to someone who knows you, and not just your policy number, we make it our mission.
We continue to learn each day, and never stop driving to grow and advance. Our local roots provided us with the foundation of excellent service. Our national growth has provided us with a forward thinking mentality, and the technology to provide you with information at your fingertips.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Alliance?
Alliance is a supplemental medical expense plan that pays the member’s cost sharing portion of a qualified medical service (i.e., copays, deductibles, and coinsurance).
Who files and pays the claims?
The medical providers file all of the claims. Members simply have an additional ID card that allows providers to file claims electronically on their behalf and be paid directly by the Administrator. The insured also has the option to file a claim themselves.
Is Alliance intended to replace my current health plan or provider?
No. It is NOT intended to replace your current provider or health plan, but rather it works in conjunction with any plan or provider in the marketplace.
Is Alliance a HSA, FSA, or HRA plan?
How is Alliance affected by the PPACA (Obamacare)?
In short, it is not subject to PPACA oversight because it is not a major medical plan.
Will Alliance increase the cost of our health insurance?
No. Even with the additional Alliance premium, your overall health premiums may go down.
Are preexisting conditions excluded?
Who administers Alliance?
Alliance is administered by The Loomis Company.
What is needed for an initial analysis?
(1) Current Summary of Plan Description;
(2) Current rates;
(3) Census of employees on your plan;
(4) Amount of HSA, HRA, or FSA employer contributions (if any);
(5) A meeting with one of our Benefits Consultants.